For Christians, Easter is a time to remember the end of the life of Jesus and how he died for our sins. It is also the time to celebrate his resurrection. The resurrection, or rebirth has become a theme taken and shared by most, regardless of belief, who celebrate the holiday. Easter occurs each year near or about the same time as spring. We celebrate with flowers, baby chicks and bunnies and other symbols which represent renew, spring, and birth.

Like most religious holidays, Easter has another side to it. Developed mostly for children, it involves the Easter bunny, eggs and chocolate. This part of the holiday, much like Santa with Christmas, used to be something that faded as one got older and the religious side was then supposed to become more important. It is not surprising really that these themes, one restricted to those under 12, now dominate everything about the holiday.

What continues to surprise me is how stupid we can be as a race. For years I have heard adults bemoan the loss of the true meaning of Christmas and how commercial it has become. While all this moaning was going on the retail industry quietly worked on another holiday, Easter making, it now a $14 million dollar bonanza for them. How stupid we are!
Luke Haus by FLYFOTO:

When I was boy we got 1 bunny, a few sugar coated eggs and maybe a new tie for church, that was about it. Kids today get far more for Easter than most of us got for Christmas. All during a time when children all over the world, this country included, are starving, homeless and in need of so much. Like most holidays my wish for everyone, especially for those who enjoy FH is less. I hope for you a weekend with less busyness, less chaos, less phone calls, less work, less material distractions. A few days with a few moments of quiet, joy, calmness, laughter and peace.
Below: Every year I have to give kudos to one of my favorite Easter themed shoots. If you have not seen actor and model Dave August and his Easter themed series for DMK, check it out HERE:

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