I have this little rule I try to follow that when I profile a model, a photographer an artist, I try to limit the shots I use to about 10 or 12. Often I will push it to 15 but it is rare I go much beyond that. I do this as I try to make FH more than just a 'picture posting' blog so try to ensure I maintain somewhat of a balance between photos and text. When putting together my profile today of model Aaron Lee Smith that was pretty much impossible. My 34 initial shots became 30, then 25 then I thought screw it. I figured since Aaron was nice enough to take my favorites questionnaire I could simply cheat and separate the post into two parts. The shots in this first section are my favorites of Aaron by Chris Gosses from Gosses Photography.

Aaron Lee Smith:
Nickname: Big A
Pet as a kid: German shepherd named Poochie
TV Show: I don't watch television
Favorite movie: 9 to 5
Favorite Actress: Reese Witherspoon
Cartoon character: Tom & Jerry
Halloween Costume:Punk rocker
Singer: Madonna
Food: Pizza!
Restaurant: Little mom & pop place called, Lola's Pizza in Charleston, WV
Drink: I love beer but also a weakness for dirty martini's
Subject in school: show choir under the direction of David Legg
Celebrity twin: That guy from the biggest loser, the trainer, so I am told.
Celebrity crush: Linda Carter
Moment in High School: When I realized that not being popular really wasn't so bad...

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