Being a successful male model is really almost an impossible task. So many guys, so few jobs, people looking to use you, little money and not always a lot of respect. Those few who do become successful know that there are a few secrets that can give you a boost along the way. Without giving them all away, I will tell you they boil down to a couple of basic factors, brains...and connection. 24 year old Benjamin Godfre knows these principles well and is applying them with to his career with incredible results.
Benjamin gets his body from intense work outs and hard work. His beautiful unique facial features come from his Irish, Italian and English heritage. When in Elementary school Benjamin moved with his family to Minnesota where he continued to live for the rest of his high school career.
'In high school, I was an avid wrestler and took 3rd in the state tournament. I was heavily recruited in college and ended up spending a semester wrestling for a college in the middle of nowhere! I had met a gentleman during one of my summer training sessions out of state, and we had planned to move to Florida together to become ultimate fighters. I spent one year in FL and learned a LOT! Then I moved to CA because it sounded lovely and I have been here ever since. I finally found home!'
Benjamin Godfre

Benjamin has been in the modeling industry for over a decade but ensured his education remained a priority. He studied biomedical engineering for a few years before switching his major to business/marketing.
'I am so much happier now that I don’t have advanced calculus and physics haunting me.'
Given that so much of the modeling industry often comes down to business and marketing, Benjamin is able to directly put his education into practice within his career. Besides full time study, Benjamin juggles two restaurant jobs as well as an internship!

Modeling agencies do a great job at connecting talent with client. What they do not put as much time in is connecting client with audience. Since it is audience that buy product, a smart model can cut through the middle man and is able to form a direction connection with those who enjoy their work. Benjamin Godfre is doing this as well as anyone I have seen. There is an ease, and enjoyment and most of all respect when interacting those who enjoy his work.

'I LOVE my fans and they mean a lot to me. It’s not even work, it’s play. I like to cultivate relationships and I want to see how huge we can grow as a group! Everyone should be having a blast right along side with me!'
There are thousands of models and actors on the web with sites they are hoping will draw people in. Benjamin knows people need a reason not just to check out his site, but to come back again the next day to see what is new. Many in the industry have their portfolio shots taken, then sit and wait for the industry to find a way to use them. Those who get the jobs know you have to find a way to use the industry. Benjamin knows a secret that many often ignore. Fans of male models like to invest. They like to follow models they like, watch their process and feel a part, even a small one, of their success. The Internet allows fans to be active participants, supporting those they love with more than just adoring adoration.
This give and take has proven to help make Benjamin Godfre one of today's hottest and most popular male models. Benjamin routinely comes near the top of many favorite model lists (including #2 on FH's reader poll in 2009). His threads, on model and celebrity forums tend to be longer than most and his images by Tom Cullis for Timoteo brought the company massive exposure!
'Tom Cullis was a phenomenally powerful influence in my modeling career. I owe everything to him. Our connection was strong and fostered the creativity to produce my first wave of images. Now days, I have evolved into a more edgy, modern style of modeling'

What I love most about Benjamin's work (besides it being incredibly hot) is that connection. Benjamin's ability to connect through not only through his work, images but though communication with those who enjoy his work. Although incredibly serious about reaching his goals, he also knows that the people who tune into his site are doing so at the end of a long, often hard day. They are looking for a bit of escapism, fantasy and most of all fun.
'I started my website, www.benjamingodfre.com, originally because I wanted to provide a (one stop shop) for my friends and fans to access me. I also wanted to allow the option for people to purchase current and sexy images/products from me. My new video/blog style format is really fun to edit. I envision my site being a very fun and entertaining experience for anyone who stumbles across it. I will always adjust my approach and always keep it fresh and new.'

Be sure to join the fun on Benjamin's site HERE: for much much more!
Also be sure to 'like' Benjamin on facebook which he updates daily!
'Ben is very charismatic, funny, and entertaining overall. He nails the poses and needs very little direction. The best quality Ben has is that he is down to earth and beautiful on the inside as well as the outside.'
Jon Seneca
Special thanks to photographer Jon Seneca who provided all the shots of Benjamin for this post! I was lucky to discover Jon's exceptional work last month and profiled Jon this past June (Beginning And No End: Philip by Jon Seneca). Jon and Benjamin personally chose and edited each of the shots exclusively for this feature. Jon loved working with Benjamin and describes him as charismatic (and he has a gorgeous body). Benjamin loved working with Jon as well; 'Jon’s a mellow guy. Really fun to work with too. His career is just getting started and I wish him the best!'
Check out more of Jon's work on his website HERE: & on Model Mayhem.

Benjamin Godfre:
-Nickname you were every given: Benja (ganja)
-Pet you had as a kid: I had rabbits, horses, chickens, cats, dogs, and head lice
-Sport: Street Skateboarding
-Tv show: Dexter/ Nip/Tuck / Lie To Me
-Tv show you watch but are embarrassed to admit: Jersey Shore
-Movie: Inglorious Bastards
-Actress: Lacey Chabert
-Actor: Gerard Butler
-Cartoon Character: Stewie Griffin
-Band: Madrid, bassnectar, Skrillex, Sublime
-Restaurant: Plums Café
-Drink: Moscow Mule/ Sapphire Up w/ three olives/ IPA
-Subject in School: Anthropology and Human Anatomy
-Celebrity you think you most look like: Colin Farrell
-First Celebrity Crush: Jennifer Love Hewitt
-Moment in High School: Getting the fuck out of there!
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