'I never saw myself being a model. I was always the class clown and a goofball. I thought if anything I would be a comedian or a comedic writer. When people asked me to model for them or their company it shocked me.'
Tell Perry
Tell Perry knows he may not be an obvious choice to be a male model. No bulging muscles or perfectly defined jaw line. What Tell does have that shines through each photo is his incredible smile and infectious personality which draw people to him.
The Indiana model is a performer and strives for perfection in anything takes on. This is not just in modeling, but athletics, running cross country or playing soccer through dancing and singing, Tell gives his all to each and every performance

Given the Tell is just starting out in the business I thought it would be interesting to find a bit out about his perceptions of his experiences so far.
Q-Tell me about the first time you stepped in front of a camera professionally.
The first time I stepped in front of a camera professionally was for a little photography company my Senior year of high school. I had absolutely no confidence until the photographer, Casi Leisure, began to cry and get excited over the quality of the photos. It was an amazing feeling, to see a professional get so excited over work that involved me.

Q-Do you see modeling as a career or as part of the big picture of where you’re going?
I could see modeling as a career for sure. It's the end result I love the most. The clothes, the compliments, and the locations are fun, but the end results of both the photographer and the model are always rewarding.
Q-You’re also a performer, how much does performing play a role within your modeling?
Performing plays a huge part in shooting. It helps with feeling comfortable. You're asked to show emotions you don't exactly feel at the time. Performing in front of thousands is overwhelming, performing in front of a single person is a lot more intimate.

Q-Model Mayhem is a great way to connect with others in the industry. What is the most interesting request you have had since joining the site?
Model Mayhem is so addicting and fun. I meet such interesting people on there along with very interesting requests...the most interesting one has been a photographer asking to shoot photos of me in complete clown attire. I had to refuse cause the weekend conflict...had It worked out, I would have done it in a heartbeat...it sounded so intriguing.
Q-What is the oddest request?
The oddest request I was given was to take photos mourning over graves in a graveyard. I had to decline. Out of respect for others I didn't want to mourn the life of someone I didn't know.

Q-What factors went into deciding whether or not to shoot nude?
I always look at the photographers past work before deciding to take my clothes off or not. There is a clear line between beautiful nudity even erotic photos and porn. There are some photographers who tasteful do nudity, and other photographers who will you get you naked for their own sexual interest, which is apparent in some of their photos.

Q-How did you feel during your first nude shoot?
My first nude I was nervous, but the photographer, Scott Barnes, was SO amazing and was completely professional. He was a great mentor and I look back now and couldn't be more happy that the first photographer I did nudity with was him. He is an amazing artist.

All images above by DSquared Photography
Q-Is there a model whose work you especially admire?
Oddly enough... I admire Alex Pettyfer, he is well known for his roles in movies like Beastly and I Am Number Four, but his photo work is amazing. He is so handsome and so engaging, it's easy to get jealous of him.
Below: Tell by Scott Barnes

Q-What photographer would you most like to work with?
There are so many photographers I would love to work for. Paul Reitz being one! I had plans to work with him in November/December but unfortunately school got in the way.

Q-What would be your fantasy dream shoot?
My fantasy dream shoot would be a male version of fairy tales. Two men playing fairy tale couples like 'Cinderella and Prince Charming' or 'Sleeping Beauty and Prince Charming'. Two men, no dresses. I think that would be so fun.

Tell Perry on ModelMayhem
Tell Perry's blog
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