I have talked before about some of the inspirations that helped me decide how and what I wanted FH to be and feel. I knew I did not want to be just a picture posting blog. There are far too many of those. Yes, I wanted amazing photos but I also wanted the blog to say something. BeautifulMag was an early inspiration. I also wanted the blog to have a magazine feel. I wanted a cover (pic of the day), regular features (birthdays, just because, imports, blast from the past). As well I knew I need feature stories (Photographer, model and actor profiles). I wanted humour, entertainment and a focus on new talent (stage actors, photographers, models) not getting massive exposure elsewhere on the web. I have been lucky to work with some big names on FH but some of my favorite pieces have been on yet to be discovered incredible talents.
Another thing I desperately wanted was to incorporate bits of my life within the blog. I had serious struggles with this for awhile. One of the people I turned to for support with this was Brenton Parry who runs one of my favorite blogs Aussielicous. I never really wanted to post specifically about myself, but wanted to say something about who I am and what I believe through my posts. I think the first time I really shared details was back in 2009 when I reviewed Greg Pritikin's Totally Confused. This movie had a profound impact on me as it so closely mirrored my life.
A couple of weeks ago I was researching my post on photographer Chris Singleton and was going through pages from the old 2kmodels site. Low and behold I found Brenton's old page with some incredibly sexy shots! The shot below, a self portrait had to be shared. I love everything about the shot especially the framing. (the framing...yeah...) Brenton is able through Aussielicous to seamlessly share his photography, his love of beautiful men, his many talents and loves while also candidly and honestly sharing his life. The small struggles, the big ones, work issues and personal issues alike. No matter what Brenton writes he has a talent for remaining funny, respectful and most of all to me, oh so relatable. Thanks Brenton!

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