Above: Eric
Shooting something sexy and erotic takes skill. Shooting something creative takes skill plus imagination. Shooting something in the most interesting way possible takes skill, imagination and most importantly something we seem to have less and less of, time and energy. I know that in putting together my posts for FH I attempt to always be creative and original. It is only now and then however that my posts are creative, original and interesting. I just don't have the time each day to put what is required to make every feature as interesting as I would like it. Photographer Julian Vankim finds that time and that energy.
Below: Glenn Saenz.

The first shot of Julian's I saw was that of Alessandro (below). There was something about the framing, the depth and intensity of color that made it stand out to me. In viewing Julian's portfolio, shot after shot had the same stand out quality, yet each shot was also uniquely distinctive. Julian's work, often with the support of professional make-up artist Carol Kirsch, certainly lives up to his intention. To take pictures of people in the most interesting way possible is Julian's goal and every model should have at least one shot in their portfolio with that as the objective.
Below: Andy Hill

Below: Alessandro

When putting together features for FH I spend the majority of my time not in the writing and posting but in coming up with ideas. I was curious as to where Julian gets his inspiration.
'I've always been a fan of Steve McCurry's photo of the Afghan Girl, where its all about her face. That photo has been a huge inspiration on my photography that it lead me to incorporate it to my own. Face art like props or paint, was me being artistic. Wanting to do something different and also create unconventional art. Most of my ideas came to me at the spur of the moment, for one, I saw a box of thumb tack and I thought why not glue it to a person's face. I did it and that's how one of my photo came to be.'
Below: Cat

Below: Ben Kirsch

When Julian mentioned Steve McCurry's Afghan Girl,I went back to what struck me about that first photo of Alessandro I viewed. Like McCurry, there is a power in the portrait that Julian has mastered through the color, detail and of course energy presented within each shot.
Experience more of Julian's work on MM and at his official site HERE:
Thanks to Julian for sharing with FH!
Below: Timur

Below: Bucky

Below: Craig

Below: Denis Thyrsu

Below: Micah Norgard

Below: Nik Flores

Below: Samer

Below: W I L L I A M

Face Paint Montage

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