Built From Boredom:
Justin Gardner by Mike Saunders from Peachtree Muscle Photos

Last month I first profiled the work of photographer Mike Saunders from Peachtree Muscle Photos, Blending Of Tones. The title of the feature referred to Mike's skill at blending classic elements of 'beefcake' photography incorporating pose with fashion, color and location.

In both my first profile of Mike's work with Ryan Sandefur, and this series of shots with body builder and model Justin Gardner, location plays a key role in the impact the images create. Mike and Justin first shot together last May and followed it up with a second shoot earlier this month. Historically, in 'muscle themed photography', the focus was generally on pose, with the backdrop usually being a simple black or white sheet. If a location was used a sandy beach was generally the most exotic they got. Although there is a certain 'classic' element to Justin's look, Mike placed him in a number of Georgia locations including some great shots at a aviation museum. Mike says they rambled across central Georgia shooting in front of old stores, stone walls and one of Mike's favorite locations, covered bridges.

Although always an active person, Justin says he started lifting weights about 4 years ago mostly out of boredom. To fund the habit, the 24 year old began working at GNC. Now, 3 years later, he is a manager and his biggest enjoyment is helping others live well. His focus on fitness helped cement his career path and is planning on obtaining his Bachelor's Degree in Exercise Science at Old Dominion University in Virginia. Justin currently competes as a natural bodybuilder for the OCB (Organization for Competitive Bodybuilders) and says he is proud to be a team member of All Natural Options.

'The overall point I want to convey is that I enjoy living the healthy lifestyle, but I also have fun helping others to get on that track and making themselves better. I was the newbie lifting not too long ago, and I know how confusing things are on what supplements to take and how to train/eat for success.'

Justin said that he decided to try his hand at fitness modeling after a bodybuilding show this past August. After starting a page of Facebook focusing on fitness and bodybuilding he was contacted by Mike about a shoot. Justin says Mike has been a major help to him with his modeling. Besides taking great shots and being a pleasure to work with, Justin says Mike has helped him with making contacts and finding other opportunities to grow and be successful in the industry.

Mike describes Justin as extremely intelligent, disciplined, laid back, well-motivated and an extremely EXCELLENT poser. 'He works tirelessly'.

'I am pretty much immersed with fitness all day between helping customers at my store, working towards an Exercise Science BS degree, and then of course my own training. You would think I would be sick of it, but it's quite the opposite! I believe if you have a passion for something and you convey that to others that it is easy to build rapport and trust between each other. Posing for me seems to come naturally I think because I have such a multi-layered personality and I can easily convey different emotions and feelings, but also because I enjoy doing it. To me that is the biggest part of it, you have to thoroughly enjoy what you do and it will show in the final product.'

Peachtree Muscle Photos: On Model Mayhem & on Facebook

Justin Gardner Fitness on ModelMayhem:
Justin Gardner Fitness Official Site:
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