Markus by Thomas Bourry

Although many artists strive for work that looks natural and unstaged, photographer Thomas Bourry accepts that his images are a construction. The world within his images are of his making, built with it's own rules and meanings. The reality, if present, is a specific reality created from the vision of the artist. In the case of Bourry this world is more than just a nice face and a perfect body. Thomas' world is one that is not only eye catching but tells a story, exploring the mystery of attraction mirroring the viewers own lust and desire.

Thomas, whose online handle is Sphinx (the mythical creature with a human head on a lion's body) starting shooting in 2006. His images focus solely on themes of passion, desire and lust within the gay community. His subjects are not international super models but men from his home in Cologne Germany. Amateurs and members of the online community who discovered his work within the virtual playground and want to play a role in his next photo story.

'I work in black-and-white, because the missing of color shows this important difference between reality and a photography.'
Thomas Bourry

Although I understand and agree with Thomas' point, I cannot help but notice that his use of black and white also makes the impact of his images that much more real. Not so much in appearance, the visual, but in feel. Obviously a photograph, Thomas' work, especially these images of Markus, evoke emotion, a connection to what Markus is feeling, what he is going through, making the impact that much deeper and that much more relatable to. The mere inclusion of the teddy bear instantly evokes something in a viewer. Stuffed toys, especially bears, have played a role, usually to comfort, in most of our lives. It is this connection, more that the technique used, that for me, creates the specific reality within.

Thomas Bourry on ModelMayhem
Thomas Bourry on Flickr
Sphinx at

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