'Creativity is a drug I cannot live without.'
Cecil B. DeMille

With FH entering it's 5th year this month, the creativity of those whose work I feature has become that much more important. For me, creativity in art, in photography, involves hitting a part of ones senses either not hit before or hit in a new way. Not just seeing, but experiencing something visual or emotional.
Next 5 images by myrkky.

Whenever I feature the work of model Bruce Migliavacca I am always struck by the photographers he works with and the creativity within his work. I have featured Bruce's images on a number of occasions including his shots with haringmanPlus and as Favorite face of the Day. Originally from South Africa, Bruce has been living and working in London the past 6 years. Bruce juggles modelling with a full time job but as you can see by some of his new work featured here always brings something new to each of his shoots.

Bruce on ModelMayhem
Flickr Portfolio:
Below: Bruce by John Drennan.

Next three shots by Tony Preece.

Last two incredible shots by Thunderflasher.

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