'I am truly motivated to portray the beauty of the male "architecture". The male form is perfect and I strive to enhance it in all of my work.'
Gregory Lindeblom
Armando A

In many of the profiles I have done featuring artists of the male form, architecture is often a theme. In many of those cases, architecture is used as a way to showcase the body with location and as part of the images itself. For photographer Gregory Lindeblom of GLiMPSe visual, architecture is not a part of his work, it is the work.
David Lange

I am not sure that in the 70's and 80's and 90's, photographers who shot for Playgirl or Playboy knew they were taking more than just beautiful pictures of beautiful bodies. In the case of Playgirl, when I use shots from decades gone by on FH I am continually impressed at how the artists chronicled more than just a naked body. Hair length, body hair or course, fashion, jewelry, muscle tone even skin color and texture tell you as much about what was going on for men of the time as you could find through writings.

See my previous feature on asdmart HERE:
The term movement in the Freezing Movement title of this post does not just refer to the movement of the body, it more directly refers to the movement of time. Everything on this planet is moving at such high speeds, technology, landscapes, urban and rural architecture and the human body. Gregory Lindeblom captures these moments, to seek to reveal the divine in the mundane, through the use of color, contour, light and most of all form.

'I believe that we photographers have a rare gift to see beyond the surface to reveal the true underlying wonder that is all around us. Whether it is a breathtaking landscape, a perfect architectural detail, or an exquisite human body, I strive to show it in all its glory and depth.'

'My work has three primary themes – architecture, landscape/nature, and male figurative – with one common root. All my work is inspired by my search for elements of enduring beauty and romance in this increasingly transitory world. Whether it be a brilliant sunrise, the intricate geometry of a building’s design, or a serene nude, I try to capture images that remind us all of the world’s wonders and splendor. Essentially, my reason for shooting is the same today in my 50’s as it was when I was a child.'

Check out more of Gregory's work on ModelMayhem HERE:
Check out GLiMPSe visual, Gregory's site with painter, sculptor, collaborator and life partner Michael Pollard HERE:
Luis R Mendez lll

Mike Brackett



Below: Ziggy_Z

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