Now truth be told not all boy band members age as gracefully as the members of the British pop group McFly. The guys are not that old, all are still in their late twenties, but unlike some of their American counterparts, the boys of McFly get hotter with each passing year.

Formed in 2004, McFly is as well known on this side of the Atlantic for dropping trou as for their music. The guys are not only naked in their videos and photo shoots they are also known to get naked or moon whenever crowds gather. All the guys are talented and all are great looking but drummer Harry Judd. Harry and the boys have always been popular fixtures in the UK based magazine Attitude, but earlier this year Harry graced the cover alone for the very first time. I am a little late as usual with this post but last month on my birthday a friend of mine who now lives in Phoenix sent me a photo filled video with McFly's Not Alone playing in the background. Listening to the song this weekend had me Mcwanting to post about McFly.

All shots above via Attitude Magazine
Next two shots from the making of Nowhere Left To Run

Two Caps above via Casperfan

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